Dr Ilex Lam
⁃ Chairman of iEnterprise Foundation, iEnterprise and York Joint Design and Construction (a subsidiary of iEnterprise)
⁃ Adjunct Professor and Co-director of Lab for Impact Finance and Transformation (LIFT), City University of Hong Kong
⁃ Founding Director of CareER
Dr. Ilex Lam is a prominent and respected figure in the social enterprise community in Hong Kong, and his work has focused on promoting social inclusion and economic empowerment for people with disabilities through innovative and sustainable social enterprise models. He is the founder of iEnterprise, a social enterprise that provides vocational training and employment opportunities to people with disabilities, and a founding director of CareER, a non-profit organization that supports students with disabilities and special educational needs to pursue higher education and career opportunities.
Dr. Lam has conducted research in the field of social enterprise and collaboration. He has authored a paper titled “Tripartite Collaborative Model – Value Creation Experience of iEnterprise with Corporate and NGO”, which subsequently incorporated into the book “The Essence and Measurement of Organizational Efficiency” published by Springer. He is also an author contributed to the book, “Sustainable Investment – Impact in Asia” co-published by Asia Asset Management and UNDP SDG Innovative Finance (UNSIF).

Ir. Ben Wong FHKIE, FCPE, LLB, MSc, BEng
President – Hong Kong Aviation Support and Development Association – HKSDA

Dr. Chan Kit William PhD
Member of Election Committee of HKSAR – Transport Constituency